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Types of Uniform

No. 1 Service Dress (No. 1 SD)

No. 1 Service Dress uniform consists of:

  • No. 1 SD Airman/woman hat (Cadets in the ATC wear the ATC cap badge/Cadets in the CCF wear the RAF cap badge)

  • No. 1 SD Jacket

  • Gloves (black for SNCO's and brown for WO's)

  • Long-sleeved Wedgewood shirt

  • Black tie

  • Trousers (female Cadets are entitled to wear skirts (with tights) or trousers)

  • Parade shoes


The No. 1 SD uniform is worn for formal events and parades, such as Remembrance Parades. It is only worn by Cadets when ordered to do so by an Officer. Even then, it is predominantly worn by SNCO's and WO's.


No. 2 (Full) Service Working Dress (No. 2 (Full) SD)

No. 2 (Full) Service Working Dress uniform consists of:

  • Beret

  • Jumper

  • Brassard

  • Long-sleeved Wedgewood shirt

  • Black tie

  • Trousers (female Cadets are entitled to wear skirts (with tights) or trousers)

  • Parade shoes

  • The No. 2 (Full) SD uniform is worn indoors and outdoors as routine working dress throughout the year


No. 2A Service Working Dress (No. 2A SD)

No. 2A Service Working Dress consists of:

  • Beret

  • Long-sleeved Wedgewood shirt

  • Brassard

  • Black tie

  • Trousers (female Cadets are entitled to wear skirts (with tights) or trousers)

  • Parade shoes

Uniform Notes:

  • Stable belts may be worn with this uniform, with permission from Staff

  • The No. 2A SD uniform is worn indoors and outdoors as routine working dress throughout the year


No. 2C Service Working Dress (No. 2C SD)

No. 2C Service Working Dress consists of:

  • Beret

  • Jumper

  • Long-sleeved dark blue shirt

  • Brassard

  • Trousers (female Cadets are entitled to wear skirts (with tights) or trousers)

  • Parade shoes


Uniform Notes:


  • Stable belts may be worn with this uniform, with permission from Staff

  • A tie is never worn with this uniform

  • Jumpers may be worn with this uniform

  • The dark blue shirt can be worn with sleeves rolled up  (above the elbow) or down

  • The No. 2C SD uniform is worn indoors or outdoors as routine working dress throughout the year


No. 3 Service Dress - Operational (No. 3 SD)


No. 3 Service Dress consists of:

  • Beret

  • Field jacket

  • Shirt

  • T-shirt/base layer (olive green)

  • Trousers

  • Boots (black for DPM/MTP, brown for MTP only)

Uniform Notes:


  • Stable belts may be worn with this uniform, with the permission of Staff (except in the field)

  • Gloves may be worn, if appropriate to the task (black)

  • There are two colour styles of No. 3 SD: DPM (Disruptive Pattern Material - dark green) and MTP (Multi-Terrain pattern - light green)

  • There are two clothing styles of No. 3 SD: CS95 (Combat Soldier 95 - buttons) and PCS (Personal Clothing System - velcro)

  • A lightweight Gore-Tex jacket may be worn, if appropriate

  • Shirt sleeves can be worn up (above the elbow) or down, depending on weather/OC's discretion

  • Air Cadet identifier is to be worn by all Cadets, immediately above the right breast pocket on the tunic on DPM

  • No. 3 SD uniform is worn on all field and shooting exercises


No. 4 Service Dress - Mess Dress (No. 4 SD)

​No. 4 Service Dress consists of:

  • Marcella white shirt 

  • Black bow tie

  • Trousers (female Cadets are entitled to wear dresses (with tights) or trousers

  • Parade shoes


Uniform Notes:

  • No. 4 SD uniform is worn for formal evening events


No. 14 Dress

No. 14 Dress consists of:

  • Flight suit


Uniform Notes:

  • No. 14 Dress is the flying clothing worn by pilots, instructors and Cadets during air experience flights

  • Qualified Aerospace Instructor cadets are also authorised to wear this uniform

  • Cadet Staff at the Air Operations Acquaintance Centre (AOAC) are authorised to wear this uniform

  • Typically, the No. 2C SD or No. 3 SD is worn underneath the No. 14 Dress when worn by Cadets for AEF/VGS. When worn by instructors/staff, a pair of trousers and an appropriate t-shirt is usually worn


Coveralls (Not routinely issued to Cadets)


Coveralls are usually worn by new Cadets that have not been given their uniforms yet, or when blue uniforms have to be covered up

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